Hi! I’m Melanie and this is my first blog post ever! I’m a little nervous about inviting people into my life but that doesn’t compare to my excitement for sharing the things I’m passionate about. This is a lifestyle blog, or at least that’s what my current plan is. The topics I’m most interested in are Health, body and mind. All topics are open for exploration from food, where the food comes from and how your body uses it. To the ever-controversial topic of sugar, salt, fat and processed foods.  Tasty, healthy and good for you recipes and tutorials. As well as physical well being like, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.

I’ve also been looking into minimalism, a lot! I haven’t started my journey down this path yet, but I’m really connecting with its purpose. I read as much as I can about it and plan on creating a whole series dedicated to my journey towards a more minimalistic lifestyle. And of course I’ll be documenting my progress along the way, successes and failures, what worked and what didn’t.

What I love about the basic idea behind minimalism isn’t just to give away all your stuff. It’s about only having the things you truly need and LOVE, and that everything else is just clutter. Something I found fascinating while researching this topic is that clutter can overstimulate your senses. This could be causing unnecessary stress without you even realizing it. My home is last place I want to feel stressed. It’s my sanctuary, it’s where I go to relax not to get stressed out. I can’t wait to clear out the clutter in my home and have the stress-free oasis I’ve always thought of it as.

And finally, there will be traveling. That’s right, we’re explorers! Not that we’ve been to that many places yet, but it’s in the works. Last year we took our first international trip together to Italy, bellissimo! I can still hear the waves of the Tyrrhenian Sea crashing outside of our room in Positano, le sigh. It was hypnotizing. Getting to see the sights that I had only ever dreamed of seeing, in person, with my own two eyes was incredible! It was unbelievable. It was magic.

This year we’ll be heading to India and I can’t wait! In a perfect world I would get the opportunity to visit as many different places as possible. Our dream is to spend an entire year traveling the globe, for now we mostly explore locally. Seeing and experiencing another culture is an experience truly wish everyone could have. The next best thing I can do is share our experiences with you. And who knows, maybe inspire someone to take the leap and go on the trip they’ve been dreaming about.

Well, that’s it for now. I will be posting a new article based on these topics at least every 10 days. If these topics interest you l hope that you’ll come back for more and share them with your family and friends!

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